5. How to create a podcast episode

This is how to create a podcast episode in your WordPress website. Podcasts are based on the standard WordPress podcasting structure and functionality, and compatible with external XML podcast feed readers.   How to create a podcast episode Go to podcast episodes > Add new episode Set a podcast title Create a description or paste the transcript (the label “transcript” can be edited […]

2. Podcast categories

Podcast categories are the equivalent of categories for normal posts. The difference between categories and series is that categories are cross-series. This means that when visiting a category page, it can display podcasts from different series. Categories are meant to be semantic labels for the podcasts, used by your audience […]

3. Podcast seasons

Podcast seasons are sub-categories of the Podcast series. They are useful to divide a series of podcasts in sub-categories (seasons). When looking at a series, seasons are available as drop-down in the episodes header:   When opening a single season page, it will be automatically recognized as part of its series ancestor.   When creating a podcast, you can […]

4. Podcast series

A “podcast series” is a collection of podcast episodes. In WordPress, series are represented by a custom taxonomy named Podcast Series, available within the “podcast episodes” menu section of your WordPress admin. Series are the equivalent of what “categories” are for normal blog posts, with some special options.   It is recommended, before adding podcast episodes, to create a Podcast Series   How to create a new Series […]

1. Podcast and series structure

This page is very important to understand the structure and terminology to correctly use the podcasting functionality of this website template. There are 2 main entities: 1) Podcast series 2) Podcast episodes   Podcast series (shows) A series (or Show) is a collection of episodes. Example In WordPress, it is represented […]

Card items

In this theme, the term “cards” refers to the design unit representing a single item, like a post, a podcast or a widget, in foreground. Cards are used in the archives to contain the lists of items. For this reason, to customize the aspect of cards, is recommended to first […]

Podcast archive

The appearance of podcast archives, series and podcast categories can be edited from the customizer. Before customizing podcast archives is recommended to have the demo contents imported. How to customize podcast series In your WordPress admnin click on Podcast Episodes > Podcast Series Hover a serie containing some podcasts, and click “view“ […]

Podcast episodes design

In the Pro Radio Podcast WordPress Theme you can customize the appearance of a single episode page from the live customizer. To do this is recommended to have the demo contents installed, or have at least one full podcast created. How to customize the appearance of a single podcast episode […]

04. Blog

The appearance of single blog posts can be customized from the Blog section of the customizer. From your wordpress admin, click on Posts > All posts Click “view” to open a post From the single post view, in the top bar, click “customize“ Click the option “Blog” in the customizer list Here you can hide or show […]

06. Typography

Important: if you are in Germany or other countries which are forbidding to load fonts from Google, please note that our theme loads the fonts from a local folder. When you choose a google font, it is downloaded  and served from your website hosting, and NOT from google fonts itself. […]

14. Social icons

If the secondary menu is enabled, it can display the social icons. Fist please, add your links: in appearance > customize > social, add the links to your social profiles Publish To enable social icons in secondary menu In appearance > customize > header and menu > secondary menu > […]

08. Off Canvas Sidebar

The Off Canvas Sidebar has to be first enabled in Appearance > customize > header and menu > “Menu buttons” Enable “Off Canvas sidebar on desktop” (in mobile is always enabled by default. How to customize the off-canvas sidebar Go to appearance > customize > Off-canvas sidebar Design You can […]

13. Footer copyright bar

To change the copyright text Go to appearance > customize > footer > content Set the text of your choice, it accepts HTML to add links Set a desider font size and colors To add footer menu links, please go to appearance > menu and set a menu for the […]

07. Secondary menu

The secondary menu appears at the top of the page, above the main menu. It can display custom menu items and messages, and social icons. How to set the secondary menu Go to appearance > customize > header and menu > secondary menu Enable the secondary menu Now you can set […]

09. Page header and background

The page header is the top section of default pages. There are 2 main parts: The content The background Customizing page header content Customize the design of the page headers as hide/display breadcrumb, alignment and padding. For Podcasts and Series, additional options are available in a dedicated section, covered in […]

18. Call to Action button

The “call to action” button is a special visible button in the top menu. This is the main action you want for your website: eg. monetization, mailing list building or similar. There can be only one, because it is “THE” most important action of your menu bar. How to set […]

10. Menu buttons

How to modify menu buttons This theme allows to display multiple buttons in the menu. Consider the total available space in smaller screens when adding buttons, to make sure they fit in the horizontal space. Adding all of the buttons and many menu items may result in content overflowing horizontally. […]

11. Menu bar design

How to customize the menu bar of your podcast website Click appearance > customize > Header and menu > menu bar You can set colors for the menu and submenu Different colors can be set for the mobile menu version To keep your menu fixed on scroll, enable “Sticky Menu” […]

03. Homepage settings

To set the homepage for your podcast website, please go to appearance > customize > homepage settings. In the alternative, go to Settings > Reading. Our demos come with multiple alternative homepages. You can change it anytime to match your requirements.   Posts page: We recommend to NOT set your blog page as Posts page, since this will disable the single page options, such […]

15. Widgets and sidebars

To customize your widgets, we recommend to NOT use the customizer. Instead, go from Appearance > Widgets. Drag and drop the widgets in the sidebar of your choice. To use the Off Canvas sidebar in desktop (burger menu) please activate it in the customizer.