Card items

In this theme, the term “cards” refers to the design unit representing a single item, like a post, a podcast or a widget, in foreground.

Cards are used in the archives to contain the lists of items.

For this reason, to customize the aspect of cards, is recommended to first open a page like the homepage, or an archive, and click Customize from the top menu bar.

How to change the cards design

  1. Visit the homepage or any other archive page containing cards
  2. Click “customize” in the top menu bar
  3. Select “cards” in the customizer
  4. You can set a global border radius and shadow
  5. Globally show or hide categories and metadata (like post date and author)
  6. Optionally customize the hover effect and animation style
  7. You can set as well the colors of the Hover animation, on the featured image
  8. Click Publish to save

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