06. Podcast grid [Elementor]

To add a podcast grid to your page, simply drag and drop the podcast grid template to the page.

elementor podcast grid for wordpress


Query parameters

  1. Category filters: you can select one or more categories to display. Podcasts can be filtered by Podcast Categories or by Podcast Series
  2. Exclude: use this parameter to not show one or more categories from this widget
  3. Posts by ID: add the numeric ID of the specific posts to display
  4. Max items: the initial amount of posts to display. We recommend using a multiple of the items per row parameter, available in the Item Design section of the widget.

Items design

podcast load more button elementor wodpress tempalte

  1. Load more button: add a button to load another quantity of posts
  2. Button text: for the load more button
  3. Columns: set the items per row in desktop
  4. Columns tablet: columns number below 1200px
  5. In mobile, this widget always shows 1 item per row

You can customize the appearance of the Hover effect and the card design from Appearance > Customize. Please see the Customizations chapter for more details.

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