09. Podcast series grid [Elementor]

The podcast series grid can display a custom grid of “Series” which are the Terms available for the Podcast Episodes. More info on podcast series.

Series are essentially “shows” or “collections” of podcast episodes. Each is meant to contain 1 or more podcasts, and can be displayed as slideshows, archives, grids or carousels with Elementor.

The appearance of single cards can be changed via customizer (more info)You can find your list of series in Podcast Episodes > Podcast Series

podcast series


How to add a “Series Grid” with Elementor

Step 1 – Find and drag in the page “Series Grid”

series grid

Step 2 – Edit the series grid

Right click and Edit the series grid. You can choose quantity and filtering.

series grid podcast filtering

Optionally change the items per row for desktop and tablet

series grid podcast filtering

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