5.07 Podcast Series

“QT Serie” is a custom taxonomy added by the plugin Qt Series Plugin, bundled with the theme.

We recommend using this taxonomy for this theme instead of the ones added by SSP or Powerpress.

A serie is a list of episodes. Once you create a new serie, you can then add any podcast to it. A single podcast can be listed in multiple series, but generally only the first will appear in the frontend, even thou the episode will be listed under any serie where it belongs.

Is recommended anyway to use a single serie for each episode.

The single Feed page will highlight the latest podcast with a special “Hero” design.


How to create a serie:

Go to Posts > QT Serie.

Compile the Name using the name of the podcast, as for instance “This american Life“.

Once saved, you can add the picture that will be used as background in the series headers and cards.

Subscribing to a podcast

A serie generates automatically a Subscribe feed link.

This leads to a valid RSS FEED that you can use in any feed reader as for instance the popular PodStation https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/podstation-podcast-player/bpcagekijmfcocgjlnnhpdogbplajjfn/related?hl=en.

To subscribe to your feed and receive the notifications about new episodes, your listeners can copy the URL and paste it in the feed reader, to add the feed.

The episodes will be automatically listed in the page of the feed reader.

You can also have a global feed button that will appear on the top bar of the site, with the feed of every podcast.

For more info about podcasting and feeds, itunes integration and more, please check the section 17 of the manual.

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