Post custom carousel Elementor Widget

This widget requires a version of Kentha Music WordPress Theme equal or greater than 3.0.

The post custom carousel displays a carousel of any custom post type.

You can customize the query parameters and certain display options.

To create a post custom carousel:

  1. Edit the page with Elementor
  2. Search for Post Custom Carousel
  3. Drag it to the page
  4. Open the Query panel and choose the post type
  5. Optionally filter by taxonomy
  6. max items: is recommended to use a small amount to keep a certain page performance
  7. Offset: how many items to skip from the first
  8. Then you can set the desgn in the Settings panel
  9. The design has 2 options: default (arrows are on the top right corner) or center
  10. Items per row
  11. Items per row in tablet
  12. Items per row mobile (default is 1, not every mobile allows changing this, depends on the screen size)
  13. Autoplay: start the carousel automatically
  14. Pause on hover: avoid moving if the mouse is on a card
  15. Arrows and dots: display or not the elementr





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