4.04 Cards

Display list of items from different post types, using the featured image as background.

  • Post type: cards only works with predetermined post types, you find them in the dropdown
  • Order by: in case of events, they will always be ordered by event date. For other post types you can choose among date, page order (when available) and more
  • Title: displays a title at the top of the carousel
  • ID: you can display a list of contents by ID, the contents needs to belong to the selected post type
  • Quantity: you have to choose from the dropdown. It’s limited for performance reasons.
  • Filter by category: each post type has an associated taxonomy. To find the correct taxonomy slug you can edit the taxonomy and see the slug. In this example you can see the slug for a Release taxonomy (genre):
  • Offset: this field requires a number, and defines the amount of elements to skip in the results. For example, if you use a slideshow and don’t want to repeat the results in the carousel below, set as “offset” the amount of item contained in the slider above.

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