5.8 Contact Form 7

Useful to add custom forms to the website. Official documentation: https://wordpress.org/plugins/contact-form-7/ IMPORTANT: To correctly build contact forms using this theme, follow these rules: Wrap the fields in a div input-field add a “for” to the labels do NOT wrap the field in the labels always add the ID to the […]

5.7 Mailchimp for WordPress

This theme offer optionally Mailchimp for WordPress. It’s useful for adding a newsletter subscription form in your pages, while using MailChimp. If you use other newsletter providers you have to look for your own plugins, we offer support for the most widely supported because we tested all of the newsletter […]

5.6 QT Swipebox

The QT Swipebox plugin automatically opens any image and video link in a lightbox, creating a slideshow in case of multiple pictures. It is custom made for this theme and works perfectly together with the QT Ajax Page Load plugin. Anyway is not “required” for the theme to work, and […]

5.5 QT Kentha Widgets

This plugin adds 2 custom widgets: QT Archive Widget and QT Contacts QT Archive Widget: This widget can display archives of posts and custom post types such as releases, podcast, events and artists. It has different settings, and can have alist or cards design: The settings are like this: QT […]

5.5 QT Kentha Player

This plugin adds the custom player of this theme. Settings: Please go in Settings > QT Kentha Player Template: Large: the player is always open and sticky to bottom Default: the player closes to icon, and opens on hover or while loading albums Autoplay is not available anymore as is […]

5.4 QT Kentha ContactForm

This plugin enables the possibility of adding automatically a contact form to any artist page. Once installed, 2 new fields will appear in the artist page: Recipient email address and privacy URL. The recipient needs to be the same server of your website (if your site is “coolsite.com” the email […]

5.3 QT Places

IMPORTANT NOTICE Starting on June 11 2018, you’ll need a valid API key and a Google Cloud Platform billing account to access the core Google Maps APIs. Further information on this page. This is a Premium plugin bundled with the product. Is required to add location capabilities to events and […]

5.2 WP Bakery Page Composer (required)

All the required info about this plugin are in the chapter “Creating pages with page Composer“. Important notice: If you are prompted to activate the plugin, discard the message (check plugins installation for more info) We delivery the updated version after testing them with the theme Some functions may be […]

5.1 Theme Core plugin (Required)

The “Theme Core plugin” is required to add support for customizer, custom types, taxonomies and shortcodes. No options, activate and go. there are no settings pages, menu links or anything else. After its activation, you’ll notice that some custom types will appear on the Wp Admin menu:

5.0 Extra plugins

This theme comes with some very useful plugins. For the installation of the bundled plugins please read “Required plugins installation”. As first, you will be required to install the T2G Theme Dashboard. From the theme dashbord you’ll be guided throught the rest of the installation process. In this chapter you’ll have […]

6.0 How to translate theme and plugins

Important Translation files can sometimes be deleted when you update the theme, you have to keep the translation file in your computer to reupload it when updating the theme. The translation method is useful also to change text strings of the theme or plugins even if you are in the […]

4.09 Release cover carousel

Display a horizontal carousel of album, 3 per row (fixed value). Clicking on the play icon the album will be added to the playlist and start playing (Kentha Player installed). Clicking on the title will lead to the single release page.  

4.08 Release featured

This shortcode displays a carousel of releases in a 12 columns design, with cover, description and playlist. The amount of results is limited for performance reasons. In mobile view the design switch to vertical mode.  

4.07 Album releases

This shortcode displays a variable number of album releases with cover and play function. Clicking on the title you can go to the single release. Clicking play, the entire album will be added to the playlist and start playing the first track.  

4.06 3D Album

This special shortcode can display a single release with a 3d effect on the mouse position. You can choose 2 actions: link to release page or play the release directly. You can add several layers to obtain a better 3D effect. In the product package, you can find: PSD templates […]

4.05 Blog Archive

With this theme you can create complex magazine-style pages, displaying posts in different ways to compose any possible type of grid. Important: is very important to choose the right Design depending on the column width and the available space. This shortcode is very flexible, therefore it also allows you to […]

4.04 Cards

Display list of items from different post types, using the featured image as background. Post type: cards only works with predetermined post types, you find them in the dropdown Order by: in case of events, they will always be ordered by event date. For other post types you can choose […]

4.03 Post list

Create a list of posts from any theme’s post type with optional thumbnails and metas. Post type: cards only works with predetermined post types, you find them in the dropdown Order by: in case of events, they will always be ordered by event date. For other post types you can […]