Thank you!
You are now the proud owner of the most innovative podcasting WordPress theme on the market. This theme is very powerful and comes with many premium features. Please be sure to check this manual to enjoy all of its features.
Server requirements
Nowadays, any popular WordPress hosting service will work great, unless you go for the cheapest of the cheapest out there, in which case we recommend checing the requirements and tweaks below.
This theme requires the following:
- Linux server
- WordPress 5.2 or higher
- MySql 5.6 or higher
- PHP 7.4 or higher
The theme also requires the following PHP libraries for an optimal performance:
How to verify your server limits: please use this plugin:
We made a plugin to check your server status, and highlight any missing requirement. Please find it in the Server Check plugin page.
Please follow this reading to discover how to increase your server limits.
If you see an error “Are you sure you want to do this”
or other memory or upload limit errors during the upload, please use one of these solutions (any server is different so one of these methods may work better than the others depending on the server settings)
then upload it in the WordPress root folder
If you are still experiencing any issue, please contact your hosting provider and request an update of your PHP to version 8 or 8.1. This will most probably solve all your limitations issue because latest php version has a much better performance and allows to bypass all the hardware limitations.
If you see an error “Stylesheet is missing”
You are trying to upload the full product folder, which is not the theme but a package containing also the manual and other contents. Please follow the theme installation section to proceed.