05. Ad campaigns

“Ad Campaigns” are a group of banners pointing to a specific destination link.

How to create a new “Ad Campaign”:

  1. Go to Ad Campaigns > Add new and set a title.
  2. Set a start/end date. After the end date or before the start date, campaigns will not be visible in frontend.
  3. Set the destination link
  4. Phone / email: reference for internal use. Eg. the number of your sponsor so you can call him.
  5. For each Ad Slot, chooseImage” and upload a picture respecting size and file weight.
  6.  TEXT OPTION: is for experts only, if “text” is selected, you can add some HTML or javascript. Attention: you can break your pages if you don’t know what you’re doing. Only admins can use this feature. Use this option to display Adsense or other affiliation banners.
  7. Publish

Ad Campaign backend creation screen

Campaigns overview

Once a campaign is created, you can find it in “Business tools > Campaigns > View all”.


The single banners are visible in “Business Tools > Ads by slot”.

Ads by slot

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