The Reaktions plugin provided in bundle with this theme adds interaction capabilities to your posts.
It will add share and like buttons to the posts, add view counts as silent background functionality and display views and likes as post attributes in archives and single posts.
Once actived, a new page of settings will be available
The Wpcast theme doesn’t currently use the Reaktions star rating, while other features are available.
When used in conjunction with the QantumThemes Archive Widgets, this plugin will as well add the possibility to display widgets with the most read articles and the most liked ones.
In the settings page, you can activate or deactivate specific functionalities.
You can also use custom shortcodes to display interactive buttons in custom parts of your website.
Social Sharing Optimization
To optimize sharing contents, you need specific plugins, the best (free) is All in One SEO.
Go to Plugins, add new and find “all in One SEO”.
After installing it, add the free module for Social Sharing
All in One SEO Social Meta Panel optimizes your social shares
Once done you’ll have some extra features (both global, and for each single post or page) to manually set the image and text you want to appear when sharing the link.
If a link was shared before, after setting the Plugin, remember to debug the link to scrape new infos