09. Admin – Ads by Slot

For each “ad slot”, Business Tools will display a randomly-picked banner from the archive.

Once you start to have a good number of campaigns running, it’s good to keep an eye on the active banners, and delete the old ones, to keep your database clean and have a clear view on what’s happening.

To do this, we included a powerful tool: Ads by Slot.

  1. Click “Business Tools” > Ad by Slot
  2. This page will show you all of the banners that are set for each specific Slot
  3. You can easily filter the active, expired or scheduled banners from the top menu
  4. Clicking on the ID, you can edit a campaign
  5. To view the stats, click on the chart icon on the right
  6. Only ads for the active slots are loaded (change active slots from the customizer)
Ads by slot

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