02. Special pages (Follow, Bookmarks, Login)

This theme has special pages linked to User Manager.

Follows page

This template will display the list of Authors followed by a reader. It’s automatically identified from the theme and linked to the buttons.

To create a Follow page

  1. Click Pages, Add new Page
  2. Set a title
  3. Choose the page template “My follows”
  4. Save


Bookmarks page

This page will display the bookmarked posts. It’s automatically linked to the Bookmarks button in the header, if enabled from the Customizer.

To create a Bookmarks page

  1. Click Pages, Add new Page
  2. Set a title
  3. Choose the page template “My bookmarks”
  4. Save


Login page

You can display a login form in frontend by creating a Login page, using the template Login.

In the alternative, you can style the default WordPress ligin page by using the customizer Login options.



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