3. Theme Installation

Automatic theme installation from wp-admin

  1. Login to your website in /wp-admin
  2. Go to Appearance > Themes
  3. Click Install Themes and then Upload, select typify.zip and activate it
  4. You will now see a notification about required plugins, make sure to activate them
  5. If a purchase code is required, you can find it from your Envato downloads (more info)
  6. Click Appearance > Import Demo Data
  7. Click Import Demo Data and wait a couple of minutes, the time depends on your server speed. Can take up to 5 minutes. In case of any 40X or 50X error, repeat the procedure. It will import the contents in chunks. Repeat until a success message appears.
  8. Choose your demo: go to Settings > Reading to set your chosen demo as homepage


Error: The theme is missing the style.css stylesheet

If you see this error, it means that you are trying to upload the entire product package instead of the simple theme zip file. Please unzip the product folder in your computer and upload only the theme zip file and the child theme’s zip file.

Error: Are you sure you want to do this?

Please check system requirements.


Alternative FTP installation procedure

We do NOT recommend this method unless you have any limitation using the standard procedure. The FTP upload can lead to wrong files and folders permissions, resulting in missing stylings and files in your website.

  1. Download the product zip from Themeforest (not the full product) and expand it on your computer.
  2. Locate the correct theme folder inside of the unzipped folder, it will contain typify-child.zip and typify.zip
  3. Make sure you unzip the correct theme folders (typify.zip andtypify-child.zip). This will produce 2 folders: typify and typify-child
  4. Connect to your hosting provider using an FTP client (e.g. Filezilla is one of the best free FTP clients, you can get it here)
  5. Navigate to your WordPress installation folder (usually is not the root folder but it should be public_html, www or something else, depending on your hosting provider settings).To be sure that you are in the WordPress folder, you should see the following three folders inside:
    – wp-content
    – wp-admin
    – wp-includes
  6. Navigate to wp-content/themes
  7. Upload the two previously unzipped theme folders (typify andtypifychildsee step 2. above) in wp-content/themes folder.
  8. Now open your browser (we recommend Google Chrome), navigate to the admin dashboard of your wordpress site (usually yoursite.com/wp-admin)
  9. Go to Appearance-> themes and activate: Typify Child
  10. Install the required plugins (next manual chapter)

If you encounter any activation problem please check the system requirements, your WordPress version and disable any plugin you may have in your website.

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