This theme is very easy to translate as the .mo .po (pot) files are provided within the language sub folder of the theme.
In the main theme folder in wp-content/themes/onair you’ll find a “languages” folder.
It contains a model to translate the theme using Poedit or other .mo .po translation softwares.
1. Start up Poedit.
2. In Poedit goto File -> New from POT/PO file…
3. Select and Open the pot file from the languages folder.
4. Enter your name, email address, your language and country (i.e. French fr_FR, German de_DE) to the setting form.
5. Click the Update button in the main Poedit UI.
6. Translate the strings you want to change, then save the file:
– For a plugin like filename-xx_XX.po with xx_XX for your language and country.
– For a theme xx_XX.po
Once done, remember to create click File > compile to MO
Via FTP upload both .po and .mo in the ‘languages’ folder of your theme, in your online website
7. In WordPress Admin, settings -> general set the language of your country.
8. That’s it, go to your WordPress blog and see your translation in action.
Plugins translation:
Some strings are in a separate translation file, within each plugin’s folder.
Please remember to create the translation file of the plugin Theme Core. Its .pot file is in
– Save it as ttg-core-xx_XX.po with xx_XX for your language and country. Compile in .mo and upload both .mo and .po
For more information please visit:
You can download Poedit here: