3.3 Monthly schedule

This function is available sinve OnAir2 v. 1.9.4 [2017 September 11]

This option is useful if you plan to have a different schedule for every week of the month, where you have a loop of 4 or 5 weeks repeating every month.


You can assign every schedule to a different week of the month, making it possible to have a “roration” schedule with

  • Week 1
  • Week 2
  • Week 3
  • Week 4
  • Week 5

The weeks are calculated on the number of the week within the current month:

Week 1: day 1 to 7
Week 2: day 8 to 14
Week 3: day 15 to 21
Week 4: day 22 to 28
Week 5: day 28 to 31


To create a monthly schedule you have to follow 2 steps:

  1. Enable the monthly schedule capability
  2. Assign the weeks to your schedule days


1. Enabling monthly schedule capability for your website

Go in Appearance > Customize > Radio Settings > Enable Monthly Schedule and enable it.
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Important: is normal that with option enabled, until you don’t assign the weeks to your schedule days, all your show elements, widgets, shortcodes and similar will disappear.

2. Assigning schedule days to the weeks

Edit your schedule and choose for which weeks that schedule is active.

You can have multiple instances of the same day assigned to different weeks:

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It is also possible to repeat a single day for every week, without duplicating it.

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