01. What is Qantum Themes Business Tools

Qantum Themes Business Tools is the perfect monetization tool for small and big radio stations, fitting a human-size business model with great scalability options.

You don’t need thousands of visitors to make money, because you can value the price of the ads depending on your niche and traffic and sell spaces directly to your perfect audience.

You can create and manage unlimited advertisement campaigns, and display image banners, HTML ads or shortcodes from other plugins.

This is an extra add-on plugin sold separately and is not part of the Qantum Themes WordPress Themes.

How does it work?

  1. Choose the locations where you want to display ads
  2. Create a new “Ad Campaign”
  3. Set a link and upload the banners
  4. Optionally allow a user to create ads
  5. Optionally sell campaigns with WooCommerce
  6. User-generated contents will require your approval to be visible
  7. Check the click stats from the frontend protected page!

Why using Qantum Themes Business Tools (and not any other Ad Manager plugin)?

After a long testing of the existing Ad plugins like Ad-Rotator, Advanced Ads, and others, it was clear that they were not fitting with radio station requirements. They are all extremely complex, hard to use, and bring little or no revenue to the average radio station.

This plugin is very different and has a unique set of features:

  1. Is way more simple to use
  2. Allows to generate earnings from day 1 without many visitors
  3. It’s based on a real “radio station” business model
  4. It can run basically on autopilot
  5. You can sell Ads directly to businesses in your area/niche
  6. Works perfectly with Ajax
  7. Offers a built-in stats for each campaign
  8. It’s fast: doesn’t slow down your site
  9. Fits both big and small radio stations
  10. Did I mention it’s super easy to use compared to other plugins?

Real life examples that can fit your radio

  1. Imagine you’re a radio in Ibiza and meet the owner of a hotel: you can instantly close a deal in person to sell a 3-months Ad Campaign, and catch up later for the details. He can send you the info/banners and can see the stats once it’s running (if you want!)
  2. Or imagine you have a radio about fishing sports and a listener of your radio has an online shop: he can buy the Ad space and create a campaign autonomously, you simply need to approve it.
  3. Or as well, imagine your radio is linked to your own business (for instance a gym or a club or a SPA), you can easily create a campaign for each product or service you sell, and drive traffic to your business website.

Those are just a few examples; as you can see this plugin fits multiple types of business models, and can generate revenue independently from your traffic but from your visitors or from your direct contacts.

We kept this documentation as short and easy as possible.

Ad campaigns can be created:

  1. From the wp-admin area by the administrators
  2. From the frontend by any user that has been given permission (with a click!)
  3. From the frontend by a customer who purchased a specific product from your shop

Campaigns submitted by a user have to be manually approved before being visible. No risk!

The plugin will add to your website 9+ Ad Slots, which are the locations where you can upload banners. You can disable or enable each “Ad Slot” from the customizer, with real time preview. We did our best to make the perfect monetization plugin for any size of radio station, minimizing your effort, and creating a real revenue independently on the website traffic.

Let’s start!

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