- A website with OnAir2 > 6.0. Make sure its required plugins are active
- A valid Qantum Themes Business Tools license from Codecanyon
- WorPress REST API has to be enabled (as it’s by default normally)
- Unzip the product folder locally on your computer
- Go to plugins > add new, and upload
- Activate the plugin and enter the CodeCanyon Purchase Code in the plugin options (where is my purchase code?)

Please make sure you upload only “” and not the wntire product download zip file, because it contains other files other than the plugin, such as demo banners and data.
Additional downloads
The plugin comes with a few useful resources.
In the zip folder which can be downloaded from our website you can find:
- PLUGIN – Readme.txt: contains a link to the manual
- PDF FOR CLIENTS: Feel free to send them to your advertisers and edit.
- PSD BANNER TEMPLATES: list of PSD (Photoshop) to be used as size reference for any slot size. Feel free to send them to your advertisers and edit.