14. AdSense Google Ads

1) Install the plugin 02. Requirements and Installation 2) Configure the plugin, make sure to disable test mode 03. Configuration 3) Enable the Ad Slots in customizer. Choose the placements you like. 04. Ad Slots – set up your ad spaces 4) Depending on your Adsense account options you may […]

13. Elementor integration

You can display a specific Ad Slot anywhere using Elementor Edit a page with Elementor Find Ad Slot and drop it in the page Choose from which slot you want to extract the ads, depending on the shape of the area Optionally set a custom backgriuynd and padding around the […]

12. AdBlock detection

IMPORTANT: Adblock detection is ONLY active if you are not logged in as administrator This plugin comes with a built-in AdBlock detection system. Visit Appearance > Customize > Business Tools Click AdBlock Detection Click Enable Optionally change the default picture with anything from your computer This extension will detect if […]

11. Admin – REST API test

This is a troubleshooting procedure to control the consistency of your ads and the cached data. Since the data extraction of the ads is very complex, we integrated an internal caching method based on WordPress transients, which stores a static list of active banners every 10 minutes. This will massively […]

10. Admin – Campaigns

To see the current list of campaigns in a convenient list, that allows to filter active and expired campaigns, follow these steps: Click Business Tools > Campaigns Select the filter from the top of the page In the Status column you can see if the campaign is published or pending […]

09. Admin – Ads by Slot

For each ad slot, Business Tools will display a randomly-picked banner from the archive. Once you start to have a good number of campaigns running, it’s good to keep an eye on the active banners, and delete the old ones, to keep your database clean and have a clear view […]

08. WooCommerce integration (selling ads)

With Qantum Themes Business Tools and WooCommerce you can sell ad spaces almost entirely on Autopilot. The only manual step will be approving the ads. Installing WooCommerce Go to Plugins > Add new and search WooCommerce, install and activate Follow the setup wizard Now you can create your first Ad Campaign […]

07. Statistics

Qantum Themes Business Tools has a built-in statistics functionality. It will gather click data for each day, and creates a frontend charts page available to the administrator and to the partner who owns the campaign. Under the data tables, there is a list of campaigns belonging to the same Partner. […]

06. Partners and frontend ad submission

This plugin adds a frontend submission page with limited options. Campaigns submitted from this form will not be public and stay in “pending” status. Only WordPress users enabled as “Partners” can view this form. More info below in “How to create a Partner User”. How to create the frontend campaign submission […]

05. Ad campaigns

“Ad Campaigns” are a group of banners pointing to a specific destination link. How to create a new “Ad Campaign”: Go to Ad Campaigns > Add new and set a title. Set a start/end date. Set the destination link Phone / email: reference for internal use. Eg. the number of […]

04. Ad Slots – set up your ad spaces

What are Ad Slots The “Ad Slots” are the locations where you can display Ads. Their position and size are standard and fixed. You can enable or disable them. Attention: Some “Ad Slots” are visible only in some pages (for instance “Side” and “SkyScraper large” are in sidebars, “Content Before” […]

03. Configuration

Click Business Tools form the left menu to access the settings of this plugin. Test Mode Is enabled by default. Only administrators will see the banners. AdBlock feature is not visible even if activated. Frontend form is blocked. Enable link masking Banner links will be converted into an internal redirect to collect click statistics and […]

02. Requirements and Installation

Requirements A website with OnAir2 > 6.0. Make sure its required plugins are active A valid Qantum Themes Business Tools license from Codecanyon WorPress REST API has to be enabled (as it’s by default normally) Installation Unzip the product folder locally on your computer Go to plugins > add new, and upload […]

01. What is Qantum Themes Business Tools

Qantum Themes Business Tools is the perfect monetization tool for small and big radio stations, fitting a human-size business model with great scalability options. You don’t need thousands of visitors to make money, because you can value the price of the ads depending on your niche and traffic and sell […]

Increasing maximum file size upload limit in WordPress

1. add this in the .htaccess file of your server php_value memory_limit 128M php_value post_max_size 128M php_value upload_max_filesize 128M php_value max_execution_time 1800 2. add thiss to wp-config.php define(‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ’64M’); 3. create a text file, call it php.ini and put this text in it: upload_max_filesize = 64M post_max_size = 64M then […]